Tips on how to best enjoy the holidays with the elderly - Crash Proof Retirement
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Tips on how to best enjoy the holidays with the elderly

Tips on how to best enjoy the holidays with the elderly


The holidays are a joyous time of year, filled with love, memories, and acts of kindness.  The segment of the population that perhaps appreciates this time of year the most, are those people in or near retired years.  Maybe it’s because the elderly have a lifetime of memories to share or perhaps they understand how precious life is the most- whatever the case:  it is a very special time of year for seniors.

While the holiday season is joyous for many people, it can be difficult for those who are caregivers of the elderly. People love the holidays but many become very stressed and overwhelmed when trying to coordinate all of the family gatherings and dinners. When someone is a caregiver, chances are that person is already stressed and this just adds to every day pressures.

Here is some common sense advice that can be helpful to caregivers during the holidays:

    • It’s amazing how one reacts to the scents and aromas of the holiday season. Bring these scents to the forefront. Think about it: What is better smelling than baked apple or pumpkin pies, cinnamon buns, or gingerbread?  Yum!
    • Maybe the smell of holly, mistletoe, or pine is special in your family home.
    • A caregiver can take advantage of the many candles in festive or seasonal fragrances.
    • Using some of these scents can create a special time of sharing with loved one.
    • Share Responsibilities.  Give everyone a job when they’re home. This is a great time for everyone to feel needed and appreciated.
    • Children are home from college, school-age children are home all day on winter break and in-laws or family may be in visiting.
    • Enjoy your family traditions.
    • Passing down recipes and family traditions is wonderful.
    • If they’re able, ask a grand parent  to teach your kids the family secret recipe.
    • If your kids are older and know the recipe already, ask them to cook with your parent
    • Make an elderly loved one feel useful again
    • Experience the holidays through a grandchild’s eyes & it could make your loved one feel young again.
    • Caregivers need to take a break and rest! – a little rejuvenation goes a long way!
    • Caregivers need to think of themselves sometime and when visiting relatives are around, that’s the perfect time.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others from time to time..
    • Visiting relatives would probably like to be useful and relieving the caregiver by doing every day chores.
    • Spending time with a loved one will mean the caregiver can have a respite time to relax and do something they rarely have time to do.
    • Even for a few hours, this can be rejuvenating and everyone benefits.

Time is very precious, especially among the elderly. Making the most of your time with those you love can go a very long way in ensuring the holiday season is as wonderful as it should be!

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