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Tag Archives: Phil Cannella events

Regulatory Agencies Info

  Intelligent Research for Consumers in Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Delaware. Verify your advisor at www.BrokerCheck.com Florida...

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Wells Fargo Scandal

  Wells Fargo has been hit with another major setback and it’s all due to the scandal that the banking giant has been embroiled in regarding millions of phony accounts. Philadelphia City Council has decided to get rid of Wells Fargo as its payroll supervisor of the city’s...

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Trump’s Tax Plan

  Calling it the "biggest tax cut in U.S. history"  President Donald Trump wanted to make a huge splash when his administration announced his much anticipated tax plan yesterday, but the announcement may have created more questions than answers as it sent a slight r...

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Student Loan Debt Problem

Economists and financial experts often talk about "bubbles". Debt bubblesEconomic bubblesForeign Currency bubbles.  Now comes more evidence that the massive student loan college debt bubble is getting dangerously close to burst...

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Too Little Retirement Savings

  Americans seems to be always complaining about money. Not having enough…not making enough…not saving enough. Now, a new survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, (a leading research institution) for Bankrate shows t...

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Life Settlement Companies

  FINRA is the the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which is a private corporation that acts as a self-regulatory organization. As part of its responsibility to help consumers avoid being taken advantage of, FINRA has listed a numb...

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Rate Hikes & Cut Trillions in Bonds

  The most recent minutes from the last Federal Reserve Policy Board meeting in March showed a couple of interesting things. Most notably: The Fed wants to increase the pace of increasing interest rates, and they want to cut $4.5 trillion dollars in ...

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Non-Partisan CBO Report

  The Congressional Budget Office (or CBO as it is known) is a federal agency within the legislative branch of the U.S government that provides budget and economic information to Congress. The CBO is strictly non-partisan, and does not make policy r...

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Statement on Phila Inquirer

We are excited to announce that Philadelphia icon Richard Sprague has decided to represent Phil Cannella and First Senior Financial Group, home of the Crash Proof Retirement System, as plaintiffs against the Philadelp...

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Markets Ballooned Too Much

What is the "true value" of stocks on today's market? Investopedia defines "market valuation" as:

"The price an asset would fetch in the marketplace. Market value is also commonly used to refer to the market capitalization of a publicly-traded company, and is obtained by multipl...

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