Markets Ballooned Too Much - Crash Proof Retirement
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Markets Ballooned Too Much

Markets Ballooned Too Much

What is the “true value” of stocks on today’s market? Investopedia defines “market valuation” as:

“The price an asset would fetch in the marketplace. Market value is also commonly used to refer to the market capitalization of a publicly-traded company, and is obtained by multiplying the number of its outstanding shares by the current share price. Market value is easiest to determine for exchange-traded instruments such as stocks and futures, since their market prices are widely disseminated and easily available, but is a little more challenging to ascertain for over-the-counter instruments like fixed income securities. However, the greatest difficulty in determining market value lies in estimating the value of non-liquid assets like real estate and businesses, which may necessitate the use of real estate appraisers and business valuation experts respectively.”

The most recent Bank of America-Merrill Lynch fund manger survey shows that a record number of investors believe that the current bull stock market (which is now 8 years old) is overvalued. 34% percents of the investors who responded to the survey say they think that equities are over-inflated. In addition to that, 81% percent surveyed consider the U.S. to be the “most overvalued region of the world.”  Many experts have said that 2017 was expected to be breakout year for corporate earnings, but that hasn’t necessarily been the case. If profits continue to lag or fail to meet expectations, then the markets could begin to drop.

Sam Stovall– chief investment strategist at CFRA recently told clients:

“Since prices lead fundamentals, the fundamentals better start picking up the pace in order to justify such extended valuations. Stocks continue to be the asset class of choice, but this crowded trade will likely need confirmation soon from a pickup in growth and forward guidance before investors can feel comfortable pushing prices even higher.”

See what a group of investment experts had to say recently on CNBC, below.

Markets suffered some of their biggest losses in recent memory today. Even though stocks are still at or near record highs, isn’t it time that you put aside all of your retirement worries and sleepless nights, and consider moving your retirement nest-egg in a “Crash Proof System?”

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