The Crash Proof Retirement Show; A Brief History Of Market Crashes - Crash Proof Retirement
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The Crash Proof Retirement Show; A Brief History Of Market Crashes

The Crash Proof Retirement Show; A Brief History Of Market Crashes

 The Crash Proof Retirement Show®

This weekend on the Crash Proof Retirement Show®, your hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small broke down the last 85 years of the stock market in a segment they called “A Brief History of the Stock Market.”

Below you will find the data presented by Phil Cannella and Joann Small on the history of stock market crashes.

Market Crashes Since1929

As Phil Cannella had mentioned on this weekend’s show, stock market crashes have been so frequent that they actually average out to happen about once every 5 years.

The Crash Proof Retirement Team has also provided a more detailed breakdown of the S&P 500 since the turn of the century, to provide a more relatable time table of market behavior.

SP Since 2000

The number one focus of the Crash Proof Retirement Show® is to keep our listeners vigilant and alert on the dangers of stock market crashes and what they can do to your retirement dreams. As 2014 continues to play out as a very volatile year, there’s no better time than no to take some time to get educated about the threats of a market crash and what you can do to protect yourself.

Be sure to stay tuned each weekend as we continue to cover the volatile market in 2014 as the Federal Reserve continues to pull back from the stimulus spending that has been fueling this most recent 5-year bull market run.

And don’t forget to see when the next time Crash Proof Retirement is visiting your area. To see educational event listings, and to register at no cost or obligation, click here- Crash Proof Educational Events Listing.

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