Educational Event Attendees - Crash Proof Retirement
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Educational Event Attendees

Educational Event Attendees

At Phil Cannella’s Crash Proof Retirement Presentation, consumers react.

Feb. ’12

“I found mr. Cannella to be very entertaining and extremely knowledgeable in his field, and was very helpful in so many areas that I’m concerned with.”

“Phil really knows what he’s talking about he came across as a person who totally knows what he’s talking about and is willing to pass it on to whoever wants to hear it, and use the information. Our son has been asking about you know investments and we haven’t made always the best decisions with ours, and the Crash Proof Retirement that Phil presents it would be a great thing and I certainly do plan to share this with our two sons and their families because, you know, if we have started it at their age with this type of investment we’d be in much better shape today.”

“He was very open and honest and I appreciate his honesty I appreciate that there’s somebody out there that’s an advocate for the people that are retired that are looking to have you know their hard-earned money that they’ve worked for years and years and years to help those people.”

“I would recommend that they certainly people should listen to him and the company and find out if it’s something that they would like to get involved with.”

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