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Expert Report: Do I Have The Right Advisor?
- February 14, 2023
- Phil Cannella
- Expert Report
Financial planning for retirement requires a different strategy than the one you used while you were working. As a result, you need a different type of retirement planner. Retirement Phase Expert Phil Cannella explains what that means in this report:
Report Transcription
“If you’re in or near retirement and your retirement professional is still prescribing a financial prescription known as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to cure your financial ailments it’s probably time for you to seek out a new financial practitioner.
This week’s report is on, ‘how do you know if you have the right advisor as you approach your retirement or when you’re in retirement?’
When you’re in the accumulation phase known as your working years your financial health can tolerate a higher degree of risk in your investment port folios. You have the time to grow back after economic storms. You have income to cost average because you’re still working.
Investors who were young and working through The Dotcom Market Crash and The 2008 Financial Crisis likely had the endurance to regain what they had lost with Wall Street.
But as you age and transition into the retirement phase of your life your financial endurance weakens. You have less time to grow back and you’re on a fixed income, which increases your need to safe guard the nest egg you worked a lifetime for.
Accumulation advisors promote risk investments as investors transition into the retirement phase of their life, but these investors no longer have the luxury of time and working income to rebuild their nest egg if the market crashes.
Knowing the difference between an accumulation phase advisor and a retirement phase expert can make all the difference in your financial portfolio and your retirement future.
By meeting with a retirement phase expert you can choose the appropriate to protect your financial future and enjoy peace of mind during those golden years.”
To hear more stories that will impact your financial future join Phil Cannella and Joann Small, this Saturday at 11 AM on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, heard on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT in Philadelphia, and online from anywhere in the world, at
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