Crash Proof Retirement Testimonial - Joann Mattia
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Crash Proof Retirement Testimonial: Joann Mattia

Crash Proof Retirement Testimonial: Joann Mattia

Crash Proof Retirement Consumers

Mattia for RobThe Crash Proof Retirement System, founded by Phil Cannella, has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Retirement spotlight on Joann Mattia of Downingtown, Pa.

Joann is a marketing manager whose retirement dreams were curtailed by the market crash of 2008. A significant portion of her savings were wiped out when the major stock market indices lost more than 50% of their values. Once the crash ended, Joann knew she couldn’t afford to stay in such a risky environment.

“I had lost a substantial amount of my 401K, which was the largest portion of my savings,” she recalled. “I heard about Crash Proof Retirement on the radio, and decided it was something I needed. I wanted to hold on to my money, while earning as much interest as I could on those investments.”

Joann decided to come out to a Crash Proof Retirement educational event, and after receiving a thorough education from Phil Cannella and Joann Small, she scheduled an appointment at our King of Prussia headquarters.

“My first appointment at Crash Proof Retirement—I brought some information with me, and I learned some of the basics,” she remembered. “But on my second appointment, I met directly with Phil, and he really elaborated on how this works—the downfalls of the market vs. the Crash Proof Retirement System.”

Specifically, Joann learned about both the hidden and ongoing fees associated with 401Ks and mutual funds—precisely the types of vehicles in which she was invested. She also learned that Wall Street professionals do not have a fiduciary responsibility to put the interests of their clients ahead of their own.

“You get the [401K] statement every month… and you just look at the bottom line. You don’t realize what you are paying for, and when I started looking at it I realized those fees can be rather high,” said Joann.

But once the educators at Crash Proof Retirement explained that Joann would never pay First Senior Financial Group one dime from her account or principal, her mind was put at ease. She was also thrilled to learn that her investments are always protected, thanks to the fiduciary responsibility of our Crash Proof Retirement team.

“It’s great to know that these companies aren’t going to fail—they have to report to the state,” Joann summarized. “The fiduciary responsibility will protect me. I can feel confident that I’m not going to lose everything.”

Today, Joann Mattia has a Crash Proof Retirement—and in her first year, she made 10.7%! That’s interest that can’t be taken out of the account by anyone but Joann, as opposed to a market ‘gain’ subject to fluctuations and volatility. Not only does she enjoy 100% protection of her money, Joann has the potential to maintain those double-digit annual gains.

“It just seems to me that Phil and Joann are concerned with everyday people—they take a personal interest in you,” said Joann Mattia. “I feel confident that I’m not going to lose my principal. Every year, I will have a review here and that makes me confident.”

Crash Proof your retirement future by calling 1-800-722-9728, or visit

To hear more stories of people enjoying the Crash Proof Retirement System, tune in to The Crash Proof Retirement Show on Talk Radio 1210 AM WPHT every Saturday from 11 a.m.—noon.

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