Crash Proof Retirement Testimonial: David Levens
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Crash Proof Retirement Spotlight: David Levens

Crash Proof Retirement Spotlight: David Levens

Crash Proof Retirement Consumer

David Levens Still

The Crash Proof Retirement System, created by Phil Cannella, has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Retirement Spotlight on David Levens of Lancaster, Pa.

David is a retired salesman who, like many of our clients, started to become concerned about the volatility of the stock market. But David was one of the luckier ones—his concerns started in 2007. When he stopped seeing the kind of returns he liked, David realized that a market crash was on its way. Luckily, he made a decision that saved his retirement nest egg—he checked out Crash Proof Retirement.

“My decision to get out of the market came with the fact that I wasn’t getting the type of return I needed,” David recalled. “The market was up, then down… I felt like we could be looking at a crash.”

David hoped to find a good return on his investment without any risk—something he once believed was too good to be true. But after attending a Crash Proof Retirement educational event—and visiting our headquarters in King of Prussia—David realized his experience with First Senior Financial Group would be much different than what he was expecting.

Crash Proof Retirement educators explained to David that he would never pay a dime to First Senior Financial Group. Moreover, his principal was protected AND he had the potential for double-digit gains. With that, David’s mind was at ease.

“The event opened my eyes—Phil Cannella did a wonderful job,” David explained. “Then we put together a formula to continue investing with Crash Proof Retirement. There was absolutely no pressure through the whole process. It was my decision, and everyone was extremely helpful and well-educated.”

Meanwhile, many stock market investors continued to ignore troubling signs from Wall Street. Everyone knows what happened next—the market crashed in 2008, with many people in or near retirement losing approximately half their nest eggs. Not David Levens, though—he’d gotten out in time and enjoyed 100% protection.

David’s been with Crash Proof Retirement for eight years now, and he sleeps soundly at night knowing he has a team of experts monitoring his money. David’s custom-designed Crash Proof Retirement System has seen him through one financial crisis, so he’s confident about anything that comes his way.

With the stock market near all-time highs, but showing signs of trouble on the horizon, David Levens recommends that others follow his example—get out now, before it’s too late!

“With the market the way it is, I would highly recommend attending an educational event,” he concluded. “Your eyes will be opened to the alternatives to the stock market. This is a great opportunity.”

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