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Achieving Income Security in Retirement
- February 24, 2023
- Crash Proof Retirement
- Blog
American retirees face a multitude of financial risks, not the least of which is income insecurity. For those who depend on their retirement investments to provide adequate income, inflation, stock market crashes, and more can sap them of the money they need to survive. If you are concerned about having enough income in retirement to meet your expenses, there are some steps you can take to secure your retirement savings and create regular income. The original Crash Proof Retirement System offers flexible income solutions and safety for your investments. Here’s how you can Crash Proof® your retirement and ensure you have enough income in your golden years.
The Various Threats to a Retiree’s Income Security
The retirement planning landscape has changed significantly in the past several decades. Strategies that worked well in the 20th century can no longer provide the right amount of income to retirees in the 21st century. One reason for that is the disappearance of pensions. There was a time when an employee pension alone could provide enough income in retirement, but those days are long gone. As employers have shifted from pensions to 401k plans, retirees have been forced to take on the additional risks that come along with securities-based investing.
Inflation is another factor that has depleted retirees’ buying power. In the past two years alone, inflation has skyrocketed, and despite the Federal Reserve’s efforts to bring it back down, it remains at record-high levels. This means that everyday purchases like groceries, medications, and more will put a bigger dent in a retiree’s savings.
For those who invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities-based investments, stock market crashes create the potential to lose everything overnight. When the value of your investments drops in response to a crash, you may find you don’t have as much income as you had planned, meaning your quality of life in retirement will be reduced.
The Crash Proof Retirement System’s Income Solutions
Saving money for retirement is always a good idea, and the more you have saved, the higher your income will be when you stop working. Of course, proper retirement planning isn’t always that simple. Today’s retirees must plan carefully to have enough income and learn to mitigate risks.
Developed by Crash Proof Retirement Founder Phil Cannella, the Crash Proof Retirement System addresses both of those concerns with investment vehicles that exist outside the risky securities industry. Not only does the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System allow a retiree to credit interest at rates similar to securities-based investments, it achieves that goal without market risk or fees. In addition, the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System contains something we call inflation fighters that can be activated, if necessary, to provide up to a 15% increase in income every year, without depleting your nest egg. With record inflation rates that have approached double digits in the past 12 months, inflation fighters can be exactly what a retiree needs to achieve income security.
Can the Crash Proof Retirement System Work for You?
No matter what your current investment strategy may be, the Crash Proof Retirement System can provide income solutions and security for anyone. Each Crash Proof Retirement plan is customized to meet the needs of the individual person using it. Even as your income needs change over retirement, your plan has built-in flexibility to help you meet your expenses. Because each Crash Proof Retirement System is made up of multiple insurance-based vehicles, you can use one to have income in the short term while your other investments continue to grow. If your income proves to be inadequate, you can activate inflation fighters to have up to 15% more income each year while still growing your other investments. If you would like to know more about inflation fighters, income security, and how the Crash Proof Retirement System can help you achieve both, the best thing to do is speak with a licensed independent educator right away. Once we get to know you and understand your retirement income needs, we can put together a Crash Proof Retirement® System in Bucks County that is specifically tailored to you. Call 1-800-722-9728 right away to schedule your financial checkup at no cost or obligation to you.
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