Radio Show: Ethics for Investing 101 - Crash Proof Retirement
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Radio Show: Ethics for Investing 101

Radio Show: Ethics for Investing 101

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small talk about transparency with investments and the solid and steady insurance industry and host special guest interviews. Their #1 goal is to increase your financial literacy and to help you Crash Proof your retirement with the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System®.


When you’re looking at your finances and you’re looking to invest what you’ve worked a lifetime for, you have to be careful of three things

  1. Is the person you are dealing with giving you accurate and factual information?
  2. Do they have your best interest at hand re: fiduciary responsibility?
  3. Are they speaking clearly that you understand or are they speaking above which you understand?
  4. Do you know the right questions to ask?

When you are transparent as an advisor to the consumer, you have clarity and now can make a good decision.

Unlike the securities industry, Crash Proof Retirement® has a legal and ethical responsibility to put their interests ahead of their own.  Their systems have always been designed for risk and to leverage all you’ve worked for in putting together your retirement nest egg.

Get ready to hear great insight about securities vs. insurance products.


When you take out any insurance contract from any life insurance institution be it a long-term care contract or Crash Proof investment account – the accounts are guaranteed contacts issued by insurance companies. And should the life insurance company who holds any of these contracts go out of business the strength does not lie on one insurance institution. The whole  industry will come together as a safety net.

For example, if an insurance company fails, it goes into receivership versus bankruptcy.

The person acting as receiver is focused on solvency and making sure all claims get paid to the policy holders. This is why Mr. Cannella refers to the insurance industry as the “brickhouse” industry, something that has stood the test of time and protected investments, since its founding in 1780.

Ready, set, listen!  Don’t miss this topic about protecting your investment.


Phil Canella interviews two special guests – H. David Kotz, Former Inspector General of the US Securities and Exchange Commission and Lou Dalbar, President and Founder of Dalbar Institute.

The federal government agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange commission – many of their executives operate surprisingly, without fiduciary responsibility.  Here’s what Mr. Kotz had to say regarding why executives leave to show firms how to navigate around regulation:

“It’s a concern. I do think that policies and procedures need to be put into place to ensure that information learned at the SEC is not being shared with folks outside,” he said.

Here’s what Mr. Dalbar had to say regarding how the public views the securities industry:

“We have an industry that has been built on having the buyer beware. That was the philosophy at the turn of the 20th century and that’s still the philosophy today in which all the technology and systems and practices have been built,” said Mr. Dalbar.

Tune In. You won’t be disappointed.


Phil and Joann were delighted to host long-term client Mrs. Peg Ward from Harleysville, PA. She and her husband have been Crash Proofed since 2007, before the stock market crashed. “After the ’08 crash we called Phil while vacationing in Vermont and I asked him what do we have to worry about. He told us there was nothing to worry about at all. We couldn’t be happier.”

Now that your own summer vacations are over, how about spending some time on your financial literacy with Crash Proof Retirement®. We want to help you do that, so please come to one of our Crash Proof Retirement® education events. We’d love to see you there. And please feel free to bring a guest. You’ll get exclusive information from Phil and Joann that you won’t hear elsewhere, and certainly not from brokers in the securities industry.

Click here for an upcoming event in your area and don’t forget to RSVP online at or call 1.800.722.9728 for more information.

A  complimentary dinner is served afterwards. We look forward to seeing you there!



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