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Uniform Life Expectancy Table
- November 30, 2015
- Crash Proof Retirement
- Blog, Radio Show
- CBS Radio, chart, Joann Small, Phil Cannella, Required Minimum Distribution, RMD, RMDs, Talk Radio 1210, The Crash Proof Retirement Show
November 28, 2015
This past weekend on The Crash Proof Retirement Show, hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small discussed Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and how to calculate them based on life expectancy.
According to Ed Slott, the nation’s foremost financial expert on IRAs and retirement distribution planning, most IRA owners and plan participants will use the Uniform Life Expectancy Table (pictured below, “Figure 1”) to figure required distributions. The only exception is if the beneficiary is a spouse who is more than 10 years younger than the IRA owner or plan participant.
Click HERE to read the entire article, titled “MRDelights: Everything you always wanted to know about retirement planning with the newly revised minimum required distribution rules”
Phil Cannella is an Elite Master IRA Advisor who trained personally with Ed Slott.
Continue your education every Saturday at 11am and Sundays at 1pm on The Crash Proof Retirement Show with Phil Cannella and Joann Small – airing on Philadelphia’s #1 talk station, Talk Radio 1210, WPHT-AM.
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