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Crash Proof Retirement Spotlight: Theresa Miller
Crash Proof Retirement Consumers
The Crash Proof Retirement System, created by Phil Cannella, has helped thousands of people to secure their retirement futures. Today, we focus the Crash Proof Retirement spotlight on Ms. Theresa Miller of Lansdale, Pa.
One of the advantages of Crash Proof Retirement is you’re not just investing your money. You’re learning the basics, the ins and outs, of each investment vehicle utilized in the system—what makes each investment safer than Wall Street, and why they’re ideal for people in or near retirement. It was that safety—and that educational process—that attracted Theresa Miller to Crash Proof Retirement.
When Theresa decided to retire two years ago, she wanted protection from any market downturns that could—in a worst case scenario—force her to re-enter the workforce to recoup any potential losses. Fortunately, Theresa’s son came to her with a solution.
“My son was listening to the radio,” she remembered, “and he said to me, ‘Mom, I’ve heard about this Crash Proof Retirement program. You should really check it out before you make a decision.”
Theresa’s son wasn’t the only one looking out for her. Upon meeting Phil Cannella and Joann Small, CEO of First Senior Financial Group, Theresa made up her mind almost immediately.
“I went to one of the luncheons and it was very educational,” said Theresa. “So I made my appointment and received more education. There was no attempt to sell me anything—it was more about where I would be comfortable placing my money.”
And that’s what makes Crash Proof Retirement different—it’s all about education. You’ll never hear a sales pitch, because there is nothing to sell. Clients never pay a cent for any service we provide. Contrast that with the commission-driven culture of Wall Street, and it’s easy to see why Theresa Miller made the decision she did.
“I had an advisor who was determined to put my money in stocks, bonds—various things that represented loss in my mind,” said Theresa. “I’m conservative. So I kept telling him we should really look at some other things, and he said this was the only way we could go!”
That wasn’t good enough for Theresa. “When I told my advisor that I was going to go with Crash Proof Retirement, he told me that he thought I would be very sorry,” she recalled. “I said, ‘Well, I’m going to have to learn that for myself. I think this is the best option.’”
Two years later, Theresa feels anything but sorry. “I came to have my annual review done,” she said. “The market has been very volatile, but I was very pleased with the results that were returned through my Crash Proof vehicles. The nice thing is that money that I’ve earned; I can’t lose in the future. That was one of the main reasons I came with First Senior Financial Group and used this Crash Proof Retirement Program.”
And as for her former advisor, it seems he may have received an education of his own.
“I got a letter from him, saying he thought he should listen better to his clients,” Theresa revealed. “I thought that was very interesting, very telling.”
Crash Proof your retirement future by calling 1-800-722-9728, or visit /
To hear more stories of people enjoying the Crash Proof Retirement System, tune in to The Crash Proof Retirement Show on Talk Radio 1210 AM WPHT every Saturday from 11 a.m.—1 p.m. and on Sundays from 1-2 p.m.
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