Crash Proof Retirement Show: Phil And Joann Discuss Peace of Mind - Crash Proof Retirement
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Crash Proof Retirement Show: Phil And Joann Discuss Peace of Mind

Crash Proof Retirement Show: Phil And Joann Discuss Peace of Mind

On last Saturday’s Crash Proof Retirement Show, Phil Cannella and Joann Small discussed the role that peace of mind plays in the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System.

For almost seven years, Phil Cannella and Joann Small have been on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, explaining and describing the countless benefits of the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System to loyal listeners throughout the Philadelphia area. And as Phil Cannella likes to say, the Crash Proof Retirement System is often imitated, but never duplicated.

That’s because it’s so much more than a financial strategy. It’s a philosophy, an approach, an idea born from years of research and an undying commitment to consumer advocacy. Anyone can recommend an investment, but it takes something more to recommend a combination of strategies that best suits the needs of the consumer—not the advisor.

Consumer advocacy has always been the hallmark of the Crash Proof Retirement System, as Phil Cannella illustrated on last week’s show by letting listeners hear the words of Catherine, who’s been Crash Proof for four years.

“When my husband passed away,” Catherine recalled, “it was so scary. I didn’t know where to begin, who to call, where to start. I was at the mercy of my financial planner.”

Sadly, Catherine would soon find out how dangerous a position that can be. Her brokerage continued to invest her money unwisely, and she lost a considerable sum. Finally, she turned to Phil Cannella and the Crash Proof Retirement System.

“I was in the room when she told her story,” remembered Phil Cannella. “And I’ll admit it—everyone was in tears. Catherine had to stop a couple times, but she insisted that she wanted people to know her story so she could help others.”

After she went through the educational process, it was Phil Cannella’s turn to help Catherine. And as Catherine’s latest interview illustrates, the tough times are behind her.

“When I heard Phil’s voice on the radio, something told me to trust him. This is an educational process—there was no pressure put on me to sign or buy anything. To me, Crash Proof Retirement means a new beginning.”

Today, Catherine—and over 4,000 other Crash Proof consumers—no longer have to worry about market crashes, outliving their money, or geopolitical concerns. “It’s not enough to make it to retirement—that’s just half of the game,” said Phil Cannella. “As in sports, the game is determined in the second half. With the right expert, you can make it through retirement.”

Tune in to The Crash Proof Retirement Show every Saturday at 11 a.m. on Philadelphia’s number-one talk station, Talk Radio 1210 WPHT-AM. Listen as hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small report on the pressing issues and news that affect your retirement.

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