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Crash Proof Retirement Honors Americans at Double Tree Event
- December 28, 2021
- Phil Cannella
- Press Releases
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania — Retirement phase experts Phil Cannella and Joann Small answered the call of eager consumers in the state of New Jersey by hosting their first educational event in the state since January 2020. Held on December 7, 2021, at The Falls at The DoubleTree, Cannella and Small began the night by remembering the lives of American soldiers who were lost during the infamous Pearl Harbor attack on its 80th anniversary. Cannella exhibited fearless patriotism as he led a packed ballroom of over 200 confirmed guests by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to honor those who have sacrificed their lives to protect the freedoms and liberties of the United States.
Wielding his sword of truth and transparency, Crash Proof Retirement Founder, Phil Cannella, gave those in attendance an inside look at how the financial life insurance industry can protect their nest eggs from financial threats—both foreign and domestic. “In the unlikely event that your financial life insurance institution goes belly up, you will not lose your life insurance contract, your Crash Proof contract, and you won’t lose your long-term care contract,” Cannella expressed. Audience members were amazed to learn about the security of the industry in which Crash Proof Retirement operates.
Cannella further expounded on the security of the financial life insurance industry by highlighting legendary baseball player, Babe Ruth, who invested his nest egg in the same financial instruments that are available through the exclusive Crash Proof Retirement System, which protected his finances during the Great Depression. “There has never been a consumer who lost a penny of their principal due to their financial life insurance firm going under,” Cannella expressed. To address the skeptics in the audience, Cannella called upon Joan Wainwright of Medford, New Jersey, who became a client in 2010 despite her initial reluctance after spending 35 years working for Wall Street.
“I was in a brokerage for 35 years with Merrill Lynch, so when my husband wanted to do this in 2010, I kept saying I don’t believe this, it’s too good to be true, it’s not going to happen,” Wainwright recalled. Although Joan questioned the claims made by Crash Proof Retirement, the educational process was an eye-opening experience that exposed her to the dangers of Wall Street, and she was incredibly thankful for the guidance of Phil Cannella and Joann Small following the passing of her husband in 2018. “I really can’t say enough about the position that Crash Proof has put me in, and the stability of it puts your mind at ease—at least it puts mine at ease,” Wainwright stated. According to Wainwright, more women need to take an active role in their family’s financial situation, and she encouraged women and their spouses to listen to what Crash Proof Retirement has to offer.
Just as Wainwright’s husband brought Joan to listen to Crash Proof Retirement back in 2010, New Jersey resident, Frederick J. Everly attended the Double Tree event to learn more about how he could financially protect his family. “I handle all the finances in the house, and I want to make sure that if anything were to happen to me that my wife is well off,” Everly disclosed. “In June, I was diagnosed with cancer and I’m fighting that, and I was just diagnosed with it again and I want to make sure that my wife and my kids are taken care of, so that’s why I’m here.” Similarly, James Rossi of Wenonah, New Jersey wanted to learn more about how he could leave a legacy for his kids. “I’m not quite sure that I’m going to ever stop [working], but I do know that at the end of the day I’m probably going to leave most of [my money] to my kids.”
In closing the presentation, Cannella and Small enlightened the audience with some of the best kept secrets in the banking industry, new IRS tax laws, and provided evidence to the fact that Wall Street is stacked against the average investor. None were more influential and thought-provoking however, than when Cannella brought Joann Small on stage to explain the importance of long-term care protections. “We don’t know when, why, where, or how, but we’re all going to pass on and a serious illness can wipe out your retirement nest egg,” Small explained. “Long-term care protects you against the what ifs; you must prepare yourself against the unknowns and the what ifs.”
To learn more about starting the educational process, or to sign up for the next Crash Proof Retirement educational event, call 1-800-722-9728 or visit
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