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Crash Proof Retirement Holds First Consumer Educational Event of 2019
- February 6, 2019
- Phil Cannella
- Press Releases
Boynton Beach, FL —As part of their continuing mission to educate consumers about safer alternatives to stock market investing, Crash Proof Retirement Show co-hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small held their first educational event of 2019 on January 9th at Benvenuto Restaurant in Boynton Beach, Florida. Over 100 concerned investors showed up to learn more about Crash Proof Retirement and hear the details of Phil Cannella’s unique retirement planning philosophy, one he believes could be the key to preventing retirees from losing everything in the event of a stock market crash.
While Crash Proof Retirement has put on hundreds of educational events in the past, this one held a special significance, not only as the first event of a new year, but as one that comes at a time when Phil Cannella’s message seems more relevant than ever before. After a year-end correction erased 2018’s stock market gains, many top economists have been predicting another market crash in the next two years that could leave the major indices plunging deep into negative territory. According to Phil Cannella, anyone heavily invested in the stock market should have cause for concern.
“Stock market investors lost out big time when the market crashes of 2001 and 2008 chipped away at their retirement accounts,” says Cannella, continuing, “These people could have been protected from losses if they had known about Crash Proof investments that prevent loss of principle during a market downturn.”
Phil Cannella agrees with economists who believe the next crash could be right around the corner. Smart investors, he believes, would be well-advised to take their money off the stock market and put it into Crash Proof Investments that will keep them from losing it all.
As a retirement planner in Palm Beach County, FL, Phil Cannella has spent nearly two decades educating consumers about the Crash Proof Retirement philosophy. He first began speaking directly to consumers at educational events held in restaurants around the greater Philadelphia area before expanding to venues all over the tristate area. Cannella eventually widened the scope of his operation to include retirement events in Boca Raton, Florida and other locations all over the country. In 2008, he took to the airwaves, starting The Crash Proof Retirement Show, giving him the opportunity to reach thousands of listeners each weekend on the radio.
Having recently celebrated 10 years on the air, Phil Cannella and Joann Small have no plans to stop any time soon. Their first educational event of 2019 is the first of many planned for the year and the Crash Proof Retirement team is inviting you to attend. Whether you live in the greater Philadelphia area or you’re looking for retirement planning in Lake Worth, FL, there’s a Crash Proof Retirement Event coming soon to your area.
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