Expert Report: Wait! There’s a Safe Alternative to Wall Street? - Crash Proof Retirement
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Expert Report: Wait! There’s a Safe Alternative to Wall Street?

Safe Alternative To Wall Street

Expert Report: Wait! There’s a Safe Alternative to Wall Street?

It is all too common for investors to place their retirement nest egg in harm’s way by investing in high-risk stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Many people are led to believe that the only way to grow and maintain their nest egg is through these risky investments.  In this Expert Report, Phil Cannella explains the benefits of investing in the financial life insurance industry, and why it’s a much safer alternative for the everyday American retiree.

Report Transcription

“Investors who plan their retirement trip by boarding a stock market flight, risk falling out of the sky with no parachute to protect their nest egg, and depending on their age, they might not have the time to recover their assets from the burning wreckage of the stock market crash. This week’s expert report highlights the benefits of the financial life insurance industry, as a guaranteed, reliable vessel that can protect your assets in retirement. 

Aside from shielding your nest egg from market risk and costly fees, the financial life insurance industry is secured by a vast safety net. Since the 18th century, the financial life insurance industry has survived every major economic event while protecting and maintaining account holders accounts without skipping a beat. Even if the insurance company goes insolvent, belly up and out of business.”

If you’re near retirement, schedule a meeting with a licensed retirement phase expert to learn how the financial life insurance industry can help plan your retirement trip with peace of mind.”

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