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Saturday, October 12th 2013

Saturday, October 12th 2013


On today’s show, we spent a great deal of time discussing the debt ceiling, the federal government shutdown, and most importantly what all of this means for retirees. Hosts of the show, Phil Cannella and Joann Small provided listeners with great insight as to how they can protect themselves from the troubles that may follow the continues struggles in Washington. As always, Joann Small led the discussion: “Women at Issue in Retirement” and reviewed the 5 Things Women Should Do in Retirement, a list produced by the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement. And as we always do, we informed our listeners of the latest corruption stories happening on Wall Street. This week we covered the multitude of fines that are facing JPMorgan and what it is costing the everyday investor.


Women at Issue in Retirement with Joann Small

To read the full article of  the 5 Things Women Should Do in Retirement,  produced by the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement, click here to visit their page.

And to check out the Social Security calculator mentioned on the show that can help you estimate what your Social Security benefits will be, click here.


Below is a video of the clients that recently went through the Crash Proof Process and their feelings on having a safe retirement.


If you too want to seek a Crash Proof Education and learn how you can discover what a Crash Proof Retirement can do for you, click here to schedule a no-costs no-obligation appointment.

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