This Week's Radio Show: Financial MRI - Crash Proof Retirement
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This Week’s Radio Show: Financial MRI

This Week’s Radio Show: Financial MRI

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hosts Phil Cannella and Joann Small talk about sub-account fees, a Financial MRI, Crash Proof Retirement System’s® logic and interview special guests. Their #1 goal is to increase your financial literacy and to help you Crash Proof your retirement with the proprietary Crash Proof Retirement System®.


Phil and Joann have been seeing a lot of consumers this past week who have variable annuity contracts. They’ve found there’s confusion coupled with lots of questions. Most consumers had no idea of the tremendous cost of variable annuities, and people do not really understand how much money they are losing each year.

As a reminder, if you hold a variable annuity, you’ll receive a quarterly statement, an annual prospectus, and the supplement document called The Statement of Additional Information.

Phil’s famous statement continues to hold true: Owning variable annuities is like walking on thin ice –you don’t know what is beneath the surface. For example, in mutual funds there’s what’s called 12b-1 fees and according to the Morningstar Report, could be as high as three percent. Now that’s pretty high and sadly, this fee like all the others, chips away at your hard-earned nest egg.

Tune into this special segment on hidden fees. Not to be missed!


Crash Proof Retirement performs what the company calls a Financial MRI on variable annuities.

It contains 10 financial analyses and one major one called a “see-through” examination.  We call the issuing insurance company while the consumer is present during their education session. Phil then asks the five key questions consumers don’t know to ask directly from the source who issued the contract. During this time, our consumers see that they are typically paying up to 4% in variable annuity fees.

If you are curious, not just about a Financial MRI, but the entire Crash Proof Retirement System, Phil and Joann encourage you to come to a Crash Proof Retirement Educational Event. If you are concerned about your financial well-being and are near or at retirement age, please come out and see how many people just like you – want to be educated and improve their financial literacy, especially when it comes to their retirement nest egg.

Learn more about Crash Proof Retirement’s proprietary tool.


 Retirees need to know what is happening from a financial perspective on retirement issues and most importantly, outliving their money. The Crash Proof Retirement System is a logical approach to protecting your hard-earned nest egg, wherein your principal is 100 percent protected 100 percent of the time.

When you come out to one of our educational events, you’ll learn things like:

  • Why there is a bond bubble deflating?
  • Why are states taking pension money out of hedge funds?
  • How to leave a legacy that is tax free.
  • How to avoid probate.

Not only that, but Crash Proof Retirement has over 300 client testimonials on its YouTube channel about how happy they are with their Crash Proof Retirement System.

Take control of your retirement finances now to secure your financial future. Listen and learn!


Phil interviewed Dr. Bruce Rader, Assistant Professor of Finance at Temple University’s Fox School of Business about regulating Wall Street and ethics.

Here’s what he had to say: “When you talk about Wall Street regulation, most of the time there’s enough regulation on the books to prevent anything from happening. The problem is enforcement. They are self-regulated and supposed to be doing that themselves. I don’t worry about regulation, they can have all the regulation they want, unless you pay the money for enforcement, it won’t work,” said Dr. Rader.

Hear more from Dr. Bruce Rader on Wall Street’s anti-regulation behavior.


Once again, Phil and Joann interviewed very happy Crash Proof Retirement® consumers Frank and Diane Lee from Hatboro, Pennsylvania.

Here’s what they had to say: “Phil and Joann took us through the process, and it was informative. I asked many questions, because I didn’t understand, and they really took the time to make sure that they explained the Crash Proof Retirement System in terms I could understand.”

Are you ready for the Fall season? If you’re cleaning out the garage, why not take time to get your retirement finances in order too? Now is your chance. Come on out to one of our educational events and learn all about retirement investments that grow and stay protected within the Crash Proof Retirement System. You’ll learn how it just doesn’t pay to stay on the market and to experience the volatility on Wall Street. You want a system that is specifically for consumers at or near retirement and that is Crash Proof!  Click here to register for an upcoming event in your area or call 1-800-722-9728 for more information.

Be our guest for dinner afterwards and feel free to bring a guest. We look forward to seeing you there!

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