This website is strictly for educational purposes and is not intended to provide specific legal, financial, or tax advice. Phil Cannella and Joann Small are licensed professionals in the insurance industry. Crash Proof Retirement, LLC. does not recommend or sell securities to anyone at any time. Any interviews conducted by Retirement Media, Inc ®. published on this website are not to be considered endorsements. Crash Proof Retirement, Crash Proof Retirement Show, and Retirement Media, Inc. ®, and all related uses, are federally trademarked with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Any company or individual found violating these federal trademarks will be vigorously pursued through all available legal avenues and penalized to the fullest extent of the law. © 2024 Crash Proof Retirement, All Rights Reserved.

Saturday September 7, 2013
- September 7, 2013
- Crash Proof Retirement
- Radio Show
- Boston College, Center for Retirement Research, Social Security
Click here to visit the official website of the Center for Retirement Research
This weekend Phil Cannella and Joann Small featured the Director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College as they interviewed her on a whole host of questions concerning the everyday investor who is planning for their retirement.
As promised by our hosts Phil and Joann, we have provided several helpful links to tools and information that was mentioned on the show. Please review our links below and be sure to visit to see when the next no-cost Crash Proof Educational Event is coming to your area.
Click the links below to find useful information and helpful tools:
Social Security Income Estimator– This tool can provide you with a general idea of how much you can expect to earn from Social Security once you retire, so that you can plan your budget accordingly.
Center for Retirement Research Tools and Calulators- Click here to enjoy a vast library of booklets, quizzes and calculators that will help you in every aspect of retirement planning imaginable.
Should You Convert a Traditional IRA into a Roth IRA?- Click here to read the very comprehensive study published by the Center for Retirement Research, which examines the many benefits of retirees converting to a Roth IRA.
As always, have a great week and be sure to tune in this Saturday, September 14 at 11am, for another exciting airing of the Crash Proof Retirement Show®
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