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Empowering Women: Financial Fallacies
- May 9, 2023
- Crash Proof Retirement
- Empowering Women
Each week on The Crash Proof Retirement Radio Show, Joann Small hosts a special Empowering Women segment in which she educates all listeners on the unique challenges women face when planning for retirement and the proven solutions available to them.
In this clip, Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest, explains that mainstream media has caused women to internalize the ideology that finances are not for them. When in reality, women actually share the same financial knowledge as men.
Report Transcription
Joann Small said,
“Here are comments made by CEO and Co-Founder of Ellevest, Sallie Krawcheck, and is known as the most powerful woman on Wall Street. Sally explains how women have been conditioned through mainstream media that when it comes to finances, they are inferior.”
Sallie Krawcheck said,
“You hear women aren’t as confident about money, are risk averse when it comes to money, aren’t as good investors as men, and none of these things are actually true. Women have about the same financial knowledge as men, but you have a lifetime of messages that women internalize, that they are risk averse, that money isn’t for them. They watch their mom coupon clip and save, they watch dad invest. Something like 92% of articles written to women about money are negative, whereas 70% of articles written to men about money are positive. So it comes from all sides and then they have less money than men. So they say, ‘Yep, there it is. I’m not good at it because everybody tells me I have less, it’s totally my fault, I feel sick.’”
To hear more from Joann Small’s weekly Empowering Women segment, visit or tune in to The Crash Proof Retirement Radio Show, Saturdays at 11 AM and Sundays at 1 PM on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.
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