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Empowering Women – Attention All Men & Spouses
- April 11, 2023
- Crash Proof Retirement
- Empowering Women
Each week on The Crash Proof Retirement Radio Show, Joann Small hosts a special Empowering Women segment, in which she educates all listeners on the unique challenges women face when planning for retirement and the proven solutions available to them.
In the link below, Joann Small discusses the importance of both spouses being involved in the family finances, but specifically advises husbands to encourage their wives to become more actively engaged in their retirement financial planning.
Report Transcription
Joann Small said,
“While I usually take this time to speak directly to women listening to our show, today we’re going to speak to all listeners and emphasize the importance of both spouses actively engaging with one another with the family finances, just as Phil and I always do.
So gentlemen, if you care about your wife then take some time to reflect. If your wife doesn’t know as much as she should about your family’s financial setup, don’t you think that now is the time to get her more involved actively?
Even if she says she wants you to take care of the finances, you take that active role and you sit her down and say, it’s just as important for you my dear, to understand the family finances and where all the money is kept, all the passwords are kept. That’s important, why? Because God forbid, ladies, your husband passes suddenly, you don’t want to be kept in the dark. It’s not the time in your life to go searching for where everything is financially speaking.”
To hear Joann Small’s weekly Empowering Women segment visit and tune into The Crash Proof Retirement Radio Show, Saturdays at 11 AM and Sundays at 1 PM on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.
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